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Twitter | History, Description, Elon musk & Uses | For 2022

Twitter is a microblogging and unofficial communication system. Twitter allows users to post and connect messages called "twitter". owned by the American organization Twitter, Inc. Registered users can post, post, and retweet tweets, but unregistered users can read publicly available tweets. Clients connect to Twitter automatically, either programmatically or with portable frontend programming, or via APIs. Prior to April 2020, management was open via SMS. 


Twitter | History, Description, Elon musk & Uses | For 2022

Twitter was 
created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March 2006 and aired in July of that year. Twitter, Inc. Based in San Francisco, California, we have more than 25 offices worldwide.  As of 2012, more than 100 million customers posted 340 million tweets per day  and Help handled an average of 1.6 billion follow-up questions per day. was doing.  In 2013, it was one of the 10 most visited sites and was called "Internet SMS".


2006-2007: creation and initial reaction

Sketch, c. In 2006, Jack Dorsey, SMS-based person-to-person organization introduction

Twitter began at the All-day Brainstorming Conference hosted by board members of the podcasting organization Odeo. Jack Dorsey, then an undergraduate student at New York University, presented the possibility of an individual talking to a small group using SMS management.  The first venture codename for help was ttwtr, an marginalized rendering of the word Twitter. This is an idea that Williams was later credited to Noah Glass , backed by Flickr and a five-digit American SMS short code. 
The choice was likewise halfway because of the way that the space twitter.com was at that point being used,

The primary Twitter model, created by Dorsey and project worker Florian Weber, was utilized as an interior help for Odeo employees. The full rendition was presented openly on July 15, 2006. In October 2006, Biz Stone, Evan Williams, Dorsey, and different individuals from Odeo shaped Obvious Corporation and gained Odeo, along with its resources  including Odeo.com and Twitter.com — from the financial backers and shareholders. Williams terminated Glass, who was quiet about his part in Twitter's startup until 2011. Twitter veered off into its own organization in April 2007.

Appearance and elements


Twitter | History, Description, Elon musk & Uses | For 2022

Tweets are freely apparent as a matter of course, however shippers can limit message conveyance to just their devotees. Clients can quiet clients they don't wish to collaborate with, block accounts from review their tweets and eliminate accounts from their devotees list. Users can tweet through the Twitter site, viable outside applications, (for example, for cell phones), or by Short Message Service (SMS) accessible in certain countries. Users might buy into other clients' tweets this is known as "following" and supporters are known as "followers" or "tweeps", a portmanteau of Twitter and peeps. Individual tweets can be sent by different clients to their own channel, a cycle known as a "retweet". In 2015, Twitter sent off "quote tweet" (initially called "retweet with comment"),

The counters for "likes", "retweets", and answers show up close to the separate buttons in courses of events, for example, on profile pages. Counters for likes and retweets exist on a tweet's independent page as well

Since September 2020, quote tweets, previously known as "retweet with remark", have an own counter on their tweet. Until the heritage work area front end that was ceased in 2020,

Hashtags, usernames, retweets and answers

Clients can gather posts by subject or type by utilization of hashtags words or expressions prefixed with a "#" sign. Likewise, the "@" sign followed by a username is utilized for referencing or answering to other users.

In 2014, in expectation for the FIFA World Cup, Twitter presented hash flags, unique hashtags that consequently create a custom emoticon close to them for a specific timeframe,

following the outcome of a comparable mission during the 2010 World Cup. Hash flags might be created by Twitter themselves, (for example, to bring issues to light for social issues) or be bought by companies, (for example, to advance items and events).

To repost a message from one more Twitter client and offer it with one's own devotees, a client can tap the retweet button inside the Tweet. Clients can answer other records' answers. Starting November 2019, customers can hide replies to messages. Starting May 2020, customers can choose who can reply to each tweet before sending it. Everyone, the account that follows the banner, the explicit recording, and so on. This capacity was revised in July 2021 to make its elements retroactively essential after the tweet was sent.  Using

Using SMS 
Twitter | History, Description, Elon musk & Uses | For 2022

SMS, customers can talk to Twitter using five access numbers. Short codes for the United States, Canada, India, New Zealand, and the Isle of Man numbers used around the world. There are also short codes available in the UK for members of the Vodafone, O2  and Orange  organizations. Since Twitter in India only supports tweets from Bharti Airtel, a voting phase called SMS Tweet  was set up by the customer to handle all networks. A comparable stage called Gladly Cast exists for cell phone clients in Singapore and Malaysia.

The tweets were set to a generally constrictive 140-character limit for similarity with SMS informing, presenting the shorthand documentation and shoptalk usually utilized in SMS comments. The 140-character limit additionally expanded the utilization of URL shortening administrations, for example, bit.ly, goo.gl, tinyurl.com, tr.im, and other substance facilitating administrations like Twit Pic, memozu.com and Note Pub to oblige media content and text longer than 140 characters.

Non-tweet content

Streaming video

In 2016, Twitter started to put a bigger spotlight on live web based video programming, facilitating different occasions including surges of the Republican and Democratic shows during the U.S. official mission as a feature of an organization with CBS News, Dream hack and ESL eSports events, and winning a bid for non-selective streaming privileges to ten NFL Thursday Night Football match-ups in the 2016 season.

During an occasion in New York in May 2017, Twitter declared that it wanted to develop a 24-hour web based video channel facilitated inside the help, highlighting content from different partners. CEO Jack Dorsey expressed that the computerized video technique was essential for an objective for Twitter to be "the primary spot that anybody knows about anything going on that is important to them"; as of the main quarter of 2017, Twitter had north of 200 substance accomplices, who transferred more than 800 hours of video more than 450 events.


Trending Topics

Twitter | History, Description, Elon musk & Uses | For 2022

word, expression, or subject that is referenced at a more noteworthy rate than others is supposed to be a "moving theme". Moving subjects become famous either through a deliberate exertion by clients or in light of an occasion that prompts individuals to discuss a particular topic

These points help Twitter and their clients to comprehend what's going on the planet and what individuals' perspectives are about it. The Twitter web interface shows a rundown of moving themes on a sidebar on the landing page, alongside supported content.

Moving subjects are now and again the consequence of coordinated endeavors and controls by devotees of specific big names or social peculiarities, especially artists like Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Rihanna and One Direction, and novel series Twilight and Harry Potter. Twitter has changed the pattern calculation in the past to forestall control of this sort with restricted success. Twitter likewise blue pencils moving hashtags that are professed to be harmful or hostile.

Internet business

On November 22, 2021, Twitter declared live shopping highlight on its foundation. Walmart will be the primary retailer to test Twitter's new livestream shopping platform. The organization expressed that it is important for their proceeding with endeavors to carry drawing in encounters to clients that permit them to shop consistently while additionally being engaged.

Twitter | History, Description, Elon musk & Uses | For 2022


In 2009, Twitter was fundamentally utilized by more seasoned grown-ups who probably won't have utilized other social destinations before Twitter, said Jeremiah Owyang, an industry expert concentrating via web-based entertainment. "Grown-ups are simply getting up to speed to how adolescents have been doing years", he said. According to comScore just 11% of Twitter's clients are matured 12 to 17.comScore ascribed this to Twitter's "initial adopter period" when the informal organization originally acquired prominence in business settings and media sources drawing in basically more established clients. Notwithstanding, comScore likewise expressed in 2009 that Twitter had started to "channel more into the standard", and "alongside it came a culture of VIP as Shaq, Britney Spears and Ashton Kutcher joined the positions of the Twitterati".


The Twitter logo from September 14, 2010, to June 5, 2012, highlighting the outline variant of "Larry the Bird"

Twitter has become universally recognizable by its particular bird a Twitter Bird, or just the icon. The first logo, which was just the word Twitter, was being used from its send off in March 2006

It was joined by a picture of a bird which was subsequently found to be a piece of clasp craftsmanship made by the British visual planner Simon.

no less than a year, the Larry the Bird logo went through an upgrade by Stone and Pascuzzo to kill the animation highlights, leaving a strong outline of Larry the Bird that was utilized from from (2010) to (2012). In 2012, Douglas Bowman made a further improved on rendition of Larry the Bird, keeping the strong outline however making it more like a mountain bluebird.[256] This new logo was called just the "Twitter Bird" and has been utilized as the organization's marking since.

User Accounts

Verify accounts

The authority Twitter profile of Twitter, Inc. The blue mark to one side of the profile name shows that it is a checked record.

In June 2009, in the wake of being scrutinized by Kanye West and sued by Tony La Russa over unapproved accounts run by impersonators, the organization sent off their "Confirmed Accounts. Twitter expressed that a record with a "blue tick" check identification designates "we've been in touch with the individual or element the record is addressing and confirmed that it is approved". In July 2016, Twitter declared a public application cycle to concede checked status to a record "assuming not entirely set in stone to be of public premium" and that confirmation "doesn't suggest an endorsement".

Twitter | History, Description, Elon musk & Uses | For 2022

Twitter is progressively utilized for TV to be more interactive. This impact is once in a while alluded to as the second screen, "virtual watercooler" or social TV the training has been classified "chatter boxing". Twitter has been effectively used to urge individuals to observe live TV occasions, for example, the Oscars, the Super Bowl and the MTV Video Music Awards; but this methodology has demonstrated less powerful with consistently booked TV performances.

In December 2012, Twitter and Nielsen reached a long-term agreement to offer a social TV rating marketed as Nielsen Twitter TV Rating from the fall 2013 season.  Advertising Age said Twitter has become a new TV guide. Then, in February 2013, Twitter acquired Bluefin Labs for an estimated $ 50 to $ 100 million.

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